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Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln On Your Serpentine Belt

November 24, 2019


Today we're going to be talking about serpentine belts for our Lincoln, Nebraska, customers. Let's start by talking about the accessories that are driven by the serpentine belt. First is the alternator. That's the device that makes electricity to power the vehicle and recharge the battery. Then there's the air conditioning compressor that makes cool air for you while you're driving around Nebraska in the summer.

The power steering and power brake pumps are driven by the serpentine belt in most Lincoln residents' vehicles. Those pumps provide pressure that assists your steering and braking.

In many vehicles, the water pump is driven by the serpentine belt. The water pump is what circulates the coolant that protects your engine. In some cars around Lincoln, Nebraska, the water pump is driven by the timing belt.

The radiator cooling fans on some vehicles are also driven by the serpentine belt. Some have separate electric motors. That's really a lot of work for one belt.

But modern engine design has a single belt that snakes around the front of the engine and drives most, if not all, of these accessories. Serpentine belts do a lot of work, but they're tough and can last for a long time.

Just how long will they last? That'll vary for each individual car in the Lincoln area. Your owner’s manual will have a recommendation for when it should be changed, but it could need it sooner. The good news is that a visual inspection at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln can detect a belt that's getting close to failing.

Your friendly and knowledgeable Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln service advisor can look at the belt: if it has more than three or four cracks per inch, it needs to be replaced. A deep crack that's more than half the depth of the belt - replace. Frayed, missing pieces, a shiny glazed look? Toss it. Come see us.

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln
1525 Pine Lake Rd
Lincoln, Nebraska 68512

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