Save Fuel by Watching Your Weight
June 30, 2022
Most Lincoln drivers are all talking right now. Better gas mileage. Fewer emissions. Nebraska folks want to save the environment and our pocketbooks.And we Lincoln drivers all know or should know that preventive maintenance will help maintain maximum fuel efficiency. But is there something more... More

Service Center Standard and Procedures
June 29, 2022
All Nebraska pilots have checklists for every aspect of flying. They always use their checklists even if they only have two steps on them. They do this simply because a checklist is a great way to not forget steps. It is also how they can assure a predictable outcome. That is why Lincoln automo... More

Check Your Shocks and Struts at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln
June 28, 2022
Today we're talking to Lincoln drivers about shocks and struts. They're so easy for Nebraska folks to forget about because they last so long and wear out so slowly. But your shocks are really responsible for keeping your tires on the road so they're very important.Without shocks, your wheels w... More

Automotive Tips from Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln: Making a Battery Last Longer
June 27, 2022
One thing all Lincoln drivers can do to extend the life of their battery is to keep it clean. A greasy, dirty battery holds in damaging heat. Same goes for removing corrosion from the terminals. Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln can help maintain your battery.Allowing your battery to be deeply de... More

Battery Replacement at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln in Lincoln
June 26, 2022
Hello, welcome to Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Lincoln runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in ou... More

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Lincoln Advice on Buying New Tires
June 26, 2022
Today's tires and wheels offer a lot of options for every Lincoln driver's style, habits and driving conditions.Tires are designed for high-performance in winter or summer and even come in a long-wearing variety for all Nebraska seasons.Lincoln off-roaders should be excited about the options ava... More

Stuck! (Vehicle Door Issues)
June 19, 2022
This may have happened to you. You drive somewhere and get out of your vehicle only to try closing the door and it just won't stay closed! What a helpless feeling. You can't lock it; you can't leave it like it is. Or, let's say you head down to your vehicle to head out to work in the morning a... More

Training Received by Technicians in Lincoln, Nebraska
June 12, 2022
When your vehicle breaks down in the Lincoln, Nebraska, area, or just needs some routine service, it can make you a little nervous. Because your vehicle's so important to your life, you need to be back on the road as soon as possible with the problem fixed right the first time.We've been checki... More

How to Radiate Cool (Radiator Care)
June 5, 2022
There's nothing that radiates cool like a vehicle radiator that's helping to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. You don't have to baby it, but you can't simply ignore it, either. Let's take a quick dive under the hood to let you know what the radiator is doing. It takes the he... More